Friday, October 14, 2011

Black Sesame Paste

Product Name:  Kaixin Brand Black Sesame Paste

Store Purchased:  FoodyMart, 355 Bamburgh Circle, Scarborough, ON

Price:  Don't remember, under $5

Ingredients:  "Black sesame paste, sugar"
Ingredients, under the international label:  "Prepared rice starch, white sugar, black sesame, black rice, peanut"

AVOID AVOID AVOID.  Even if I were given this for free, I would not take it.  I was lured into buying this product by the packaging.  The sesame paste looked so rich, I thought I could stir it into some ice cream at home.

This is the actual product.  That is NOT good eats!

Being the frugal gal that I am, I feel a need to incorporate this into something worth eating.  I used the powder as flour, and introduced it into a bread recipe.  It tasted quite nice.  My bread had a nice mild, sweet sesame seed taste and the floury, pasty texture was baked out of it.  (Sorry, no photo).

TAG:  sesame paste, sesame, sesames, sesame seeds, dessert, snack